Partner Spotlight: Hogan Lovells

Hogan Lovells has been a longtime supporter of Women’s Bean Project. The company has sponsored events such as Ready, Set, Grow and even hosted off-site holiday markets in their lobby for several years. We’re grateful to have their support! As part of our Partner Spotlight series, we interviewed the team at Hogan Lovells to shed light on their work in the community and why their partnership with organizations like the Bean is important. Hogan Lovells is a sponsor for this year’s Ready, Set, Grow, our annual graduation celebration and fundraiser. Its support provides programming to women we serve. Continue scrolling to learn more about Hogan Lovells and their work! Thanks for all your support!

For those who are unfamiliar with Hogan Lovells can you share a bit about what your company does?

Hogan Lovells is a global full-service law firm creating valuable solutions for our clients in the industries they serve. Hogan Lovells became a top 10 global legal services provider in 2010 through an unprecedented combination of two firms with international credentials, U.S.-based firm Hogan & Hartson and European-based firm Lovells. Operating out of more than 45 offices spanning 24 countries, we provide comprehensive legal services across our key practices, including Corporate and Finance; Environmental, Social, and Governance; Global Regulatory; Intellectual Property, Media, and Technology; Sovereigns; and Litigation, Arbitration, and Employment.

Hogan Lovells operates at the intersection of law and public policy, driven by our firm’s five core values – clients come first, excellence in all we do, one team worldwide, commitment to our firm’s success, and good citizenship. Our dedicated industry sector groups include Aerospace and Defense; Automotive; Consumer; Diversified Industrials; Education; Energy and Natural Resources; Financial Institutions; Insurance; Life Sciences and Health Care; Mobility and Transportation; Private Capital; Real Estate; Sports, Media and Entertainment; Technology and Telecoms; and Transport & Logistics.

As one of the largest legal practices in the Rocky Mountain region, we provide clients with access to a strong combination of local, national, and global knowledge and legal solutions. Whether change brings opportunity, risk, or disruption, the dedicated lawyers and legal staff in our Denver and Colorado Springs offices are here to help clients think around corners and deliver on their business strategies.

Hogan Lovells supports its local community in a lot of ways. Share some of the projects and efforts you do to support local initiatives.

Giving back to communities and society is fundamental to our business. We are advocates of justice, equality, and opportunity. Everyone at Hogan Lovells is asked to volunteer at least 25 hours a year as part of their normal work duties. Around the world, our people are making a difference through pro bono activities, community investment, and social justice. In Colorado, we are proud to partner with several organizations that are making tremendous impact in the communities they serve – including the Women’s Bean Project. We have a longstanding partnership with Cheltenham Elementary School, where we’re honored to visit classrooms to educate 4th grade students about Civil Rights. We also support Cheltenham students and their families during the holiday season with our Cheltenham Holiday Gift Project, raising funds and purchasing holiday gifts for families in need. This past year we were especially humbled to be able to also donate 20 laptop computers to the school, helping ensure that students are able to seamlessly continue their studies virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Additionally, our Colorado offices volunteer and raise funds for Project Angel Heart, an organization that prepares and delivers thousands of medically tailored meals each week for people living with life-threatening illness. We also work closely with Denver Parks and Recreation, volunteering for their Denver Adopt-A-Park program by cleaning Commons Park in lower downtown throughout the spring and summer and participating in their annual Earth Day cleanup in downtown Denver. Our Colorado offices also earnestly support UNDERWEARNESS, a charitable children’s organization that provides new underwear to children in need. Our efforts with UNDERWEARNESS include fundraising, hosting new underwear donation drives, and sponsoring and volunteering for UNDERWEARNESS’ annual community engagement events.

Our lawyers and legal staff are also dedicated to serving the Colorado community through pro bono work. We are invested in empowering and supporting our Colorado LGBT+ community, including the privilege of working with the Colorado Name Change Project, a nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of transgender Coloradans. We provide legal assistance and educational presentations and materials with the organization as it assists transgender individuals seeking to legally change their name and gender marker corrections. Our pro bono efforts also include commitment to the preservation of Colorado’s environment, through serving the legal needs of organizations like Colorado Wild Public Lands, which seeks to protect the integrity, size, and quality of Colorado public lands and Denver Audubon, an organization that inspires actions that protect birds, wildlife, and their habitats through education, conservation, and research.

The above are just a few of the exceptional community organizations we serve in Colorado. We look forward to continuing our tradition of community stewardship this year, especially as the state begins to open back up through continued expansion of COVID-19 vaccinations.

Why is partnering with Women’s Bean Project important to Hogan Lovells? Can you share how your company and its values align with Women’s Bean Project’s mission?

Hogan Lovells and its lawyers and staff have a long history of commitment to supporting nonprofit organizations in Colorado which provide resources to women and others who want to succeed but need help doing so. The goal of Women’s Bean Project is consistent with this value and we’re grateful to be so well aligned in order to help drive Women’s Bean Project’s mission forward. We have been privileged to provide financial resources and volunteer support to help Women’s Bean Project expand the number of women who can gain the beneficial training, career resources, and employment opportunities to positively move forward in their lives. It continues to be a wonderful partnership and one we are proud of!

As a company, what are you most looking forward to in the year ahead? Do you have any exciting updates you want people to know about?

Much like most of the world, our firm is looking forward to being able to return to our offices, gather and collaborate in-person, and engage with our clients again face to face. We value the enrichment that being together provides our lawyers, legal support, and business services teams – and in our Colorado offices, the special culture we’ve fostered over nearly three decades.

What’s the most important thing that you want the community to know about Hogan Lovells?

We think it’s important for Coloradans to know that our Denver and Colorado Springs offices have been a part of the local community since 1993. Our legal work and passion for community service over the past decades have helped shape several benchmarks in the state, from the redevelopment of Denver Union Station to the Great Hall Project in Denver International Airport. Colorado is our home and we’re committed to supporting the continued progress of the state’s bright future.

Where can people go to learn more about Hogan Lovells and your community work?

We welcome you to visit the Hogan Lovells website for more information about the firm, our Colorado offices, and our services and capabilities. Specifically, details on our commitment to community investment may be found on our Community Investment page.

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