Create a Fundraiser

We are so excited you are interested in hosting a BeanSprouts Fundraiser with Women’s Bean Project. Our fundraising program provides a unique opportunity to help Women’s Bean Project advance it’s mission while also raising money for your school, sports team, club, church or organization.

By teaming with Women’s Bean Project in your fundraising efforts, you are helping women who have committed to changing their lives support their families, learn job readiness and life skills and successfully enter the workforce as strong, capable and confident women. In return, your organization will benefit from the sales of our lovingly handmade gourmet food products.

Here’s a step-by-step on how to participate:

  1. Fill out the form below.
  2. Sell from the BeanSprouts order form and collect individual payments made out to your fundraising organization.
  3. Upon completion of the fundraiser, you submit one consolidated order to Women’s Bean Project upon completion of the fundraiser, along with payment consisting of the funds collected minus 35% (You keep the 35% for your own fundraising goals!)
  4. Women’s Bean Project fulfills the BeanSprouts order and can either ship or make the order available to pick up to the fundraising organizer. The fundraising organizer will deliver/distribute orders directly to their customers.

Easy and a great way to raise money while benefiting the women of the Bean Project!

  • Please tell us when you are planning on conducting the fundraiser.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please tell us when you are planning on finishing the fundraiser.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please let us know how you heard about us!