
We take our responsibility to our donors and the public seriously. Donor contributions and grants fund program services, the activities that account for approximately 40% of the program participants’ paid time, such as:

  • Weekly job coach meetings
  • Financial literacy training
  • Basic computer skills classes
  • Planning and organizing classes
  • Adult literacy and numeracy coursework
  • Resume building and interviewing skills training
  • Interview practice
  • Nutrition and self-care education

These services are critical to the women’s long-term success and transition to full-time, career entry-level employment, setting them on paths to self-sufficiency.

Strategic Plan

In the 2018-2021 strategic plan, the organization decided on one overarching goal: to serve more women better. This mantra continues to serve as a guide to each department, staff member and board member. From staff meetings to board gatherings to individual goal setting, discussions continually focused on how we might serve more women and serve them better. Decisions made throughout the duration of the strategic plan kept this guidance in mind.

Not surprisingly, the Bean Project’s last strategic plan, which was intended to shape our work from 2018– 2021, did not anticipate a global pandemic and its effect on every aspect of operations. Adding to the stress of the pandemic was the loss of Women’s Bean Project’s founder, Jossy Eyre, in April 2020. From the unanticipated business growth at a time when staffing was hamstrung by on-site quotas, to changes in the needs of the women served, every aspect of the organization was affected. Not until 2023 has WBP begun to feel as though it can plan for its future.

Our 2024 – 2027 Strategic Plan


Annual Report