Get Involved

Women’s Bean Project could not function without many forms of community support. While our business provides the context for the training that we provide, sales revenues only cover about 60% of the total operating expenses of the Bean Project. Generous contributions of time, products, services, and money allow us to offer the comprehensive and effective program services that sets the Bean Project apart from other transitional employment programs.

Whether you are an individual or a business, you can make a difference in the lives of the women we serve at the Bean Project!

As an individual

You can volunteer at our facilities with the women and staff, mentor our program participants, purchase our products, host a party, teach a life skills class, educate the public about Women’s Bean Project, and fundraise in a variety of ways.

As a business

Women’s Bean Project offers numerous business opportunities that both promote your business within our community and support our services and programs that help chronically unemployed and impoverished women.

To learn more, fill out our volunteer application  and our staff will get back to you with ways you can get involved with Women’s Bean Project!

  • Please provide your main method of phone communications (i.e. cell number or home phone number)
  • Please check all options for your availability.
  • Please let us know how often you would like to volunteer your time.
  • Please let us know if you have any geographic limitations so we can best place you where needed.
  • Please let us know what volunteer opportunities you are interested in. Please select all that apply by holding the CTRL key and selecting options.
  • Please let us know how you heard about us!
  • Please let us know if there are any special skills or training that you have.