Program Overview

Our Transitional Employment Program

Women’s Bean Project is a transitional employment program serving women who have struggled to obtain and maintain employment. When we hire women, they enter the role of production assistant and work in our food manufacturing business, making and packaging all the products we sell. 

Women are in our program for 6-9 months, after which they graduate into an entry-level, career-building job. While in the program, women take part in a robust program of classes and receive wrap-around support from our team of case managers, program volunteers and community partners. Women are employed and paid full-time, whether they are working on the production floor or working in the classroom in our program of classes. 

Our goal is to help women start on the path toward self-sufficiency and address the many barriers to employment they have faced throughout their lifetime. We help women develop stability, build crucial skills and set goals that will carry into the next chapter. We do this through a combination of on-the-job training, life skills classes, career service assistance and case management. 

Our Core Classes

While at Women’s Bean Project, every woman takes part in over 60 hours of classroom work taking part in our core curriculum. The core curriculum of courses consists of: 

Additional Programming

In addition to our core curriculum of classes, we offer a breadth of secondary courses that may be available to women throughout their time at Women’s Bean Project. These are secondary courses that are dependent on availability and resources of our community partners. The additional program offerings include:

Career Assessment & Job Search Coaching

Every woman in our transitional employment program receives over 50 hours of career services assistance and training. Our services include:  

  • Job Coaching using The Get a Job Kit 
  • Cover Letter & Resume Writing and Support 
  • Letter of Explanation Workshop & Development
  • Mock Interviews 
  • Career Assessment