I am Women’s Bean Project: Stephanie

I am Stephanie, and I’m a recovering addict. I started at the Bean in September 2018. I heard about Women’s Bean Project when I was in prison and thought it would be a good opportunity to transition into my new life. I am also at Time to Change, a halfway house. These three new opportunities are helping me stay sober, get back to my kids, and surround myself with healthy friends and family. My life is different today because the Bean Project gave me the strength to become an independent woman with big dreams. The job skills I have learned at Women’s Bean Project will help me succeed in my future. My goals for the future are to keep a job, save money, and be more family-oriented all while keeping a good attitude and loving myself and my family.

Photo by Kenzie Bruce Photography


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  • Kristeey says:

    girl congradulations on your success and God bless you. Hello…my name is Kristeey. I am working on MY dream to start a non-profit to help women coming out of prison as well as those who won’t come out. It’s good to hear that these programs are working!! Wish me luck. you are in my prayers