I Am Women’s Bean Project: Brooke

I am the mother of a 7-month-old daughter and sober for 14 months.


I was first arrested in 2017 for drugs and put on probation, twice. Because of violations to my probation, I was sent to a half-way house. I ran from the half-way house which resulted in a prison sentence. That was the best thing that could have happened to me because I got pregnant during this time. So, getting caught and sent to prison forced me to get clean. Once clean, I was sent back to the half-way house were my daughter was born.


She was able to stay with me for 6 weeks. My daughter went to live with my mom, and I needed to decide to take any job or wait 2 weeks to be hired at The Bean. This meant I would not be able to see my daughter during that time. I decided to wait and was hired by the Bean. This was the best decision I have ever made.


Since I have been at The Bean, I have learned many skills like leadership and communication, and many character traits like humility. Being on a routine has kept me balanced. This has allowed me to become a Lead Production Assistant, prepare to test out for my GED, and gain the self-confidence I needed. I know now, I can do anything.


I am one essay away from getting out of the halfway house. Three week journal to communicate with my mom. These essays are to understand what it will be like living with my mom, staying sober, and how to communicate with my mom. The plan is to move in with my mom and daughter after I leave the half-way house. It is my daughter who keeps me going to work every day and making good decisions. I know I have more to offer other than good looks and the attention of a man. I will teach my daughter about self-worth, so she knows she does not need to depend on anyone else.


When I graduate from The Bean, I plan to train as a peer specialist so I can help other women like me. I have saved money to allow me to get the education I need to accomplish this.


I want to be the best mom I can be to my daughter, Royal.

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  • biekxy says:

    Way to go, Brooke. Your journey has not been an easy one, and some tough times are likely still ahead of you, but I have to say… wow. What an incredible effort on your part. Choosing sobriety for yourself will make all the difference to your daughter, and will continue to build a stronger, more honest relationship with your mom. I give you a lot of credit. Keep going, girl!